We look forward to seeing students back in class on time on Tuesday, August 20, 2024! This back to school page is your hub for all of the news and information you need to prepare for a great start to the school year. We encourage you to bookmark this page and check back for updates! Make sure you also follow the Tulsa Public Schools Facebook and Instagram pages to stay up to date on the new school year.
All students will enter the school through the cafeteria doors on the south side of the building. Students arriving after 7:30 must be checked in by the parent in the front office on the west side of the building.
Car Riders:
Families will pick students up on the south side of the school. Parents must stay in their vehicles at all times. Students will only be allowed access to vehicles on the school-side of the street. Families should travel on King Street in a westward direction only. Walkers:
Walkers will be dismissed at 2:35. Students who walk home without crossing Sheridan will be released from the library exit on the north side of the school. Students who walk home and cross Sheridan will exit through the cafeteria doors and will be walked across Sheridan by cross-walk staff. Once students are on the other side of Sheridan, they will not be supervised by McKinley staff.
Make sure your child's school has your accurate emergency contact information.
Please obey traffic signs and stay alert when driving in a school zone.
24/7 Safety Hotline
You can help keep your school community safe with our See. Hear. Share. safety hotline. If you see or hear something concerning, call or text 918-480-SAFE (7233), email share@tulsaschools.org, or share it with a trusted adult. This hotline is staffed 24 hours a day.
To report a non-urgent incident using our online form, click here.
No t-shirts, or sleeveless shirts. All shirts must have collars
No writing, logos, stripes, or patterns
Colors: white, hunter green, navy blue
No cargo pants/shorts
No holes, rivets or tears
No jeans
Pants should fit properly in all areas.
Shorts must extend below the fingertips when the child is standing with hands to their sides
Colors: navy, khaki, or black
Length must extend below the fingertips when the child is standing with hands to their sides.
Jumpers must have a collared shirt underneath
No writing, logos, stripes, or patterns
Colors: navy, khaki, tan, or black
All shoes need to be athletic style shoes
No sandals, flip flops, ballet shoes, shoes with a heel, dress shoes
Shoes with lights, games, or sounds are not permitted
Colors: Any color
They are not to be worn as pants alone
Any color or pattern
Any light jacket may be worn in the classroom if it is school colors
Heavy coats need to stay in lockers
Teachers may have students put their jacket in their locker if it becomes a distraction
Colors: navy, hunter green, white, or college/university
Costume headbands are not allowed. All jewelry and hair accessories should be modest
and not distract from learning. The teacher may choose to have them remove any pieces that become a distraction. Hats or jacket hoods are not to be worn inside the building.
Non-uniform dress days will occur occasionally throughout the year and will be announced in advance. On these days, students may wear any school appropriate clothes they choose.
Make sure all shorts, skirts and shorts are appropriate lengths. No profanity, costumes, or pajamas. Shoulder straps must be a minimum of the width of two fingers of the person wearing the garment.
Adjustments to the dress code may be made for special events.